
Dreaming of indoor air that’s as fresh as at the beach? Evaluair can help. We test for VOCs indoors in real time— real fast!


Servicing all of California, our trained, certified, experienced, and professional technicians will utilize portable testing equipment, and can provide testing for all the following pollutants.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs):

  • BTEX Testing (This is an acronym for a group of VOCs comprised of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes, and is collectively known as BTEX. Benzene is a carcinogen which can be found in ambient air as a result of burning fuels, such as coal, petroleum, and wood. Toluene is a colorless, flammable, pungent, liquid solvent that is added to gasoline to increase octane rating, and is used in paints, paint thinners, adhesives, synthetic fragrances, nail polish, and is found in cigarette smoke. Toluene is damaging to the central nervous system and moderate inhalation symptoms include fatigue, sleepiness, headaches, and nausea. Ethylbenzene is a colorless, flammable liquid that smells like gasoline, is found in petroleum, inks, pesticides, paints, and chronic, low-concentration exposure can cause inner ear and kidney damage. Xylenes are chemically similar, clear, liquid solvents with a sweet odor, and exposure routes are touching or breathing vapors from gasoline, paint, paint thinners, paint removers, varnish, shellac, rust preventives, some pesticides, and cigarette smoke.) (Real Time)
  • Methane Testing (Methane is the primary component of natural gas, which is often used to power home water heaters and kitchen ranges.) (Real Time)
  • Naphthalene Testing (This probable carcinogen is a white solid that is readily vaporized by burning organic matter, so it’s found in cigarette smoke, internal-combustion-engine exhaust, and smoke from forest fires. The gas is also released from mothballs.) (Requires Lab)
  • Styrene Testing (Styrene is a colorless, flammable liquid which has a sweet odor, used to manufacture plastics and rubber. Indoor vapors can be caused by some building materials, photocopiers, and it’s a component of tobacco smoke.) (Requires Lab)


Other Substances:

Plus, every Evaluair customer will receive all these benefits:

  • Reliable service from a family-owned company whose parent company (Bye Bye Mold™) has been in business since 2001.
  • Experienced, certified, and well-trained inspectors that exhibit professionalism, kindness, and respect.
  • Sampling methods that ensure that sample-container contents are always preserved by chain-of-custody documents.
  • Adherence to testing protocols set forth by experts and laboratories, and updated when necessary by a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH).
  • Real-time testing—state of the art technology can detect benzene, formaldehyde, methane, and PCBs immediately. You get real-time feedback.
  • A comprehensive report, written so you can understand it, documenting our real-time test results, laboratory findings (for any specimens sent to our lab), and interpretation of those findings.
  • We’re a company insured so you can rest assured.
  • Credit cards are accepted.

Real-Time Testing

In many instances, we can perform a real-time test. This means that while the inspector is there, he can immediately inform the owner if there are elevated readings of the substance–or not. For airborne toxins, we utilize portable gas-chromatography-based detectors for real-time measurements with unsurpassed accuracy and extremely low detection limits (ppb = parts per billion):
benzene: 5 ppb;
ethylbenzene: 10 ppb;
formaldehyde: 100 ppb;
methane: 0 – 100% LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) and 0 – 100% by volume of sampled air;
toluene: 3 ppb;
xylene (m-xylene): 10 ppb.

Protocols and Documentation

Our trained, certified, experienced, and professional inspectors will conduct our investigation while adhering to protocols approved by a Certified Industrial Hygienist. After our inspection is complete, we will prepare and send to the owner our comprehensive and comprehendible report, documenting our real-time test results, laboratory findings (for any specimens sent to our lab), and interpretation of those findings. It also includes detailed recommendations on how to reduce your exposure to toxic substances in your immediate environment.

Mold Testing

Concerning mold and mycotoxins–certain molds, such as Stachybotrys, and some kinds of Penicillium, are known to produce airborne toxins called mycotoxins.  One Stachybotrys chemotype can produce trichothecene mycotoxins (including satratoxins), and another can produce atranones. (See additional reference below.) What those toxins cause in us can vary from person to person.  If a person is very susceptible to mold then any kind of mold in any quantity may affect that person.  All mold indoors is bad but not all mold is toxic–matter of fact, most molds are not toxic. But, our laboratory analysis of submitted samples (from both indoors and outdoors) will identify the type and quantity of mold spores present in the samples, and reveal whether indoor spore counts are elevated.

Formaldehyde Testing

We can check your formaldehyde levels (also BTEX and Methane) in real time. Exposure to formaldehyde can cause symptoms like watery eyes, burning sensations in the eyes, nose and throat, nausea, coughing, chest tightness, wheezing, skin rashes, and allergic reactions, or it can cause no discernible symptom at all, though it is a known carcinogen. Don’t suffer from exposure, or concern that you are being exposed. You can schedule an inspection right away.

Our Formaldehyde Inspection Brochure

(Click the image below to open or download the Evaluair Formaldehyde Inspection Brochure PDF.)

Click the image to open or download the Evaluair Formaldehyde Inspection Brochure PDF.
Click the image to open or download the Evaluair Formaldehyde Inspection Brochure PDF.


“Stachybotrys chartarum, Trichothecene Mycotoxins, and Damp Building–Related Illness: New Insights into a Public Health Enigma” [Return to Mold Testing section.]